Useful information

Customs regulations

Croatian currency is Kuna (1 Kn = 100 Lipa). Foreign currencies can be exchanged in exchange offices, banks, post-offices, tourist agencies and in the majority of hotel reception desks and auto-camps. Since Croatia is part of European Union from 01.07.2013, there are no limitations for EU citizens when traveling to Croatia. Non EU citizens can also freely carry their foreign currency in and out of the country (up to 10.000 €), though value of domestic currency can not exceed 15,000 Kuna. They also should always report valuable technology items at the customs office. Non EUcitizens can get tax refund for the goods bought in the country, if the value of the goods exceede 500 Kuna, but they need to have their "tax free" form validated upon leaving the country.

Health Information

In all of the major cities there are hospitals, and in some smaller towns there are medical clinics. EU citizens can take advantage of free medical service it they have the European Health Insurance Card. The non EU citizens can take advantage of free medical service if there is an agreement between Croatia and the country they come form. Otherwise, medical services are charged according to current price lists.

Working Hours of Shops

Shops are usually open between 8 am and 8 pm, from Monday to Saturday, Sundays between 8 am to 2 pm. In smaller towns there is a possibility of shops working slit shift. There are also shops that are open the whole day on Sunday and on holidays. Post and bank office usually also work between 8 am and 8 pm.


  • 1 January – New Year
  • 6 January – Epiphany
  • Easter and Easter Monday
  • 1 May – Labour Day
  • Corpus Christi
  • 22 June – Anti-fascist Struggle Day
  • 25 June – Statehood Day
  • 5 August – Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day
  • 15 August – Assumption of Mary
  • 8 October – Independence Day
  • 1 November - All Saints Day
  • 25 and 26 December – Christmas Holidays

Important phone numbers:

  • 385 is the international dialing code for Croatia
  • 112 – the unique European emergency number is available to all Croatian citizens and tourists
  • 195 – in the event of an accident at sea, seek assistance from the Search and Rescue Service at the Sea
  • 194 – emergency medical service
  • 193 - Fire department
  • 192 - Police
  • 1987 - Road Assistance
  • 18981 - General information
  • 11888- Phone information
  • 060 520 520 - Weather forecast and road conditions
  • +385 1 4640 800 Croatian Automobile Club
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Marina Dalmacija
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ESIF Financijski instrumenti

Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija".

Safe stay in Croatia
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Yacht pool