Domande frequenti

Esistono basicamente due, cioe' tre modi come prenotare la barca. Se non siete sicuri che cosa volete oppure per la prima volta avete voglia di prenotare una barca, il modo piu' semplice sarebbe di inviarci una e-mail con tutti i dati che sapete. E' questo vuol dire come minimo il numero di persone che saranno sulla barca, il periodo desiderato ed altre vostre osservazioni o noti. Noi vi contatteremo ed in accordo con voi troveremo la barca giusta per voi.

Nel momento in cui ci confermiate la prenotazione, bisogna effettuare il pagamento di 50% del prezzo di affitto, ed il resto bisogna saldare massimo 4 (quattro)settimane prima di partenza.

Oltre a questo, noi possiamo offrirvi anche l'organizzazione di transito (dal aeroporto, porto maritimo o simile), eventuale attrezzatura addizionale, lo skipper oppure l'hostess ed altro. Lo skipper e' obbligatorio se voi non avete in possesso i patenti validi sia quel nautico che per il VHF.

Se gia' sapete quale barca volete prenotare, sul nostro sito avete la possibilita' di perquisire per trovare la base dove si trova, dopo di che, potete inviarci la richiesta per il periodo desiderato. Sulle nostre pagine potete fare anche la prenotazione on-line.

I prezzi del noleggio sono sottolineate in Euro e si riferiscono al noleggio settimanale con le partenze ogni sabato. Il prezzo dipende del modello della barca, dell'anno di costruzione e della stagione. Nell'alta stagione (dal giugno al settembre) le barche si predono al noleggio esclusivamente per il periodo di min. di 7 (sette) giorni con la partenza sabato. Fuori stagione è possibile concordare il noleggio per meno di una settimana ed anche le partenze in altri giorni.

Nel prezzo di noleggio accordato e' incluso:

  • Gommone
  • l'autopilota
  • la GPS
  • la biancheria
  • l'imposta IVA

Le spese supplementari (che sono obbligatorie, ma di regola nono sono incluse nel prezzo di noleggio, e' si pagano nella base prima della partenza):

  • Il transit log – (include pulizia finale, gas, biancheria, autopilota) da 70€ fino al 120€ e dipende dalle numere di cabine della barca.
  • La cauzione – si paga in contanti o con la carta di credito, e copre i danni sulla barca, dal danneggio o dalla perdita dell'attrezzatura. Se la barca viene restituita non-danneggiata, la cauzione sarà rimoborsata nell'importo completo.
  • Carburante – la barca si consegna sempre con il serbatoio pieno, e bisogna anche restituirla in tal stato. Nella marina “Dalmazia” c’e’ il distributore di benzina, e il serbatoio può essere riempito al momento proprio prima della consegna della barca.

L'attrezzatura addizionale/i servizi opzionali:

  • Spinnaker, genaker, blister – il prezzo settimanale è da 120€ al 150€.
  • Il motore fuoribordo – il prezzo e’ 60€/settimana.
  • La rete protettiva (è utile se avete i bambini piccoli, ma è necessario avvisarci in anticipo per poter posizionarla.) – il prezzo e’ 50€/settimana.
  • Gli asciugamani – il prezzo e' 5€ (2 pezzi)
  • Se vi decidete per lo skipper il prezzo 120€/giorno + cibo  per barche a vela e 150€/giorno + cibo per barche a motore.
  • Potete richiedere anche i servizi della hostess, il prezzo e’ 100 €/giorno + cibo. Lei prende cura della pulizia di cabine e gabinetti, la messa in ordine dei letti, la tavola apparecchiata e messa in ordine, ed evenutalmente delle provviste.


  • Il booking precoce– 5% (si conferma per il noleggio fino al 31/12 per l'anno seguente)
  • Last minute/Ultimo minuto– 5% (è possibile realizzarli se la barca si prende in noleggio una o due settimane prima di pertenza)
  • Noleggio 2 settimane – 5%
  • Noleggio 3 settimane – 10%
  • L'ospite vecchio – 5%
  • La prenotazione alle fiere 5%

Naturalmente che tutti gli sconti non possono essere incalcolati, cosiche’ lo sconto massimo e’ 15%.


  • Il trasporto – se arrivate in Croazia in aereo o a bordo del traghetto, possiamo organizzarvi il trasporto. Il prezzo va alla domanda, e dipende dalla lontananza e dal numero di persone.
  • Il parcheggio – in marina “Dalmazia” e’ custodito ed il prezzo e’ circa 40 € /settimana.
  • Gli animali coccoli – in maggior casi potete condurre anche il coccolo, ma di regola si fa il pagamento addizionale (il transit log doppio).
  • La regata – se volete prendere in noleggio una barca per partecipare in regata, dovrete fare il pagamento addizionale di 20%.
  • A richesta potete spedirci l'elenco di generi alimentari di cui avete bisogno durante la navigazione – la ricompensa per la consegna e per i generi alimentari comprati pagherete all'arrivo a bordo della barca.

I regolamenti le norme doganali

La valuta croata è la cuna/kuna (1 kn = 100 lipe). Le monete straniere possono essere cambiate negli uffici di cambiavalute, banche, poste, agenzie turistiche e nella maggioranza di portinerie di alberghi e autocampeggi. I cittadini stranieri possono liberamente esportare e importare la valuta straniera, mentre i cittadini croati hanno il limite all'importo di cune croate di 15.000. Alla frontiera bisogna dichiarare l'attrezzatura tecnica del valore maggiore. I cittadini stranieri possono realizzare il rimborso d'imposta per la merce comprata in Croazia per l'importo maggiore di 500 kn(cune croate), con il confermare del modulo "tax free" in occasione dell'uscita dalla Croazia.

Le informazioni sanitarie

In tutte le maggiori città esistono gli ospedali e nelle località piccole ci sono le ambulanze. I cittadini stranieri possono realizzare il loro diritto per la visita medica gratuita se esista l'accordo tra la Croazia e lo stato da cui arrivano qui. In caso contrario, i servizi si appagano a base dei listino-prezzi vigenti


L'orario dei negozi

Di regola sono aperti dalle ore 8 alle 20 da lunedì a venerdì, sabato dalle ore 8 alle 14. Nelle più piccole località sia possibile che i negozi lavorino in due turni. Si possono trovare anche quelli che sono aperti anche le domeniche e durante le feste.
Le poste e le banche lavorano in genere anche tra le 8 e le 20 ore.

Le feste e i giorni festivi

  • 1 gennaio – il Capodanno
  • 6 gennaio – l'Epifania
  • La Pasqua e il lunedì di Pasqua
  • 1 maggio – la festa di Lavoro
  • il Corpusdomini
  • 22 giugno – il Giorno della lotta antifascista
  • 25 giugno– Il Giorno dello Stato Croato
  • 5 agosto – il Giorno della Vittoria e della gratitudine della Patria
  • 15 agosto – l'Assunzione
  • 8 ottobre – Il Giorno d'Indipendenza
  • 1 novembre– Gli Ognissanti
  • 25 e 26 dicembre – la festa di Natale

I numeri di telefono importantissimi:

  • 94 Pronto soccorso
  • 93 Vigili di fuoco
  • 92 Polizia
  • 987 Soccorso stadale
  • 981 Informazioni generali
  • 988 Informazioni telefoniche
  • 060 520 520 Bollettino temporale e la condizione stradale
  • +385 1 4640 800 Autoclub Croato


Navigo d.o.o. (in further text: Navigo) based on General Conditions, as well as on Brokerage Contract for accommodation services, provides a user with a multi-day accommodation service aboard vessels adapted for transportation of persons on a cruise trip, and guarantees technical compliance and good condition of all its vessels. The person who has confirmed reservation for one or more vessels, or has paid the deposit (in further text: Service User) establishes a legal relationship with Navigo and confirms acceptance of these General Conditions. Everything stated in these General Conditions is legally binding both for Navigo and the Service User. All eventual disputes between the Service User and Navigo are to be settled based on these Conditions.


The prices of accommodation service are stated in euro (EUR), in the current Navigo price list. The service will be billed using middle exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank (HNB) on the day of the payment, with a 10% VAT included. Navigo price list is subject to change without prior notice. Stated prices include: accommodation on technically flawless and clean vessels with full fuel tanks, use of all vessel equipment, compulsory and comprehensive (Casco) vessel insurance, crew accident insurance, home marina berth, license for sailing in Croatia, vessel concession permit. The price does not include port dues and other dues charged in other marinas, as well as fuel expenses and the cost of other necessities, car parking, and crew health insurance.


The users of accommodation service including overall vessel equipment can use the vessels only after they have made the payment according to the terms of payment. (50% of the price is to be paid at vessel reservation and the remainder at least 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the accommodation service.) Reservations made during the 4-week period prior to the beginning of accommodation service must be paid in full. By making the advance payment, Service User confirms that he is fully informed about all characteristics and terms under which the accommodation service on a certain vessel is provided. By making the advance payment, everything stated in these Conditions becomes legally binding both for the Service User and for Navigo.


If the Service User, for whatever reason, wants to cancel the accommodation services aboard a vessel, he must submit his request in written form (by e-mail, fax or by regular mail).The date the written cancellation notification was received by Navigo represents the basis for the calculation of cancellation charges in the following way:

  • cancellation up to 2 months prior to the beginning of accommodation service – charges 30% of the accommodation service price;
  • cancellation up to 1 month prior to the beginning of accommodation service – charges 50% of the accommodation service price;
  • cancellation within one month prior to the beginning of accommodation service – charges 100% of the accommodation service price.

Service User who has cancelled the accommodation service may, after previously consulting with Navigo, find another person who will assume his rights and obligations. If he doesn't find a replacement, the cancellation fee will be charged as stated above.

If the accommodation service is cancelled due to objective reasons (death of a close family member, an accident involving heavy injury, a sudden acute condition requiring immediate medical care, pregnancy complications, military exercise etc.), the paid amount will not be refunded. Instead, the Service User is allowed to use the paid amount for another time period of the current or the next year. It is Service User's obligation to provide an authentic document (proof).In case of force majeure (war, unrest, strikes, terrorist acts, sanitary problems, natural disasters, official authority interventions etc.), Navigo shall not be liable for any modifications and not carrying out the rented services in whole or in part. In any case, the purchase of trip cancellation insurance is recommended, which would cover accommodation service cancellation.


Navigo will hand over only completely equipped and technically flawless vessels with full fuel and water tanks and expects the vessels to be returned in the same condition. The vessel handover takes place on Saturdays from 5 PM to 9 PM (from 17:00 to 20:00).

If the Service User fails to take over the vessel within 48 hours of the predetermined handover time, without any previous notice, Navigo is entitled to unilaterally terminate the contract for provision of accommodation services, and the Service User shall not be entitled to any subsequent indemnity claims. If, for whatever reason, Navigo is not able to put the booked vessel at disposal at the appointed place and time, it can provide another vessel, having at least the same characteristics. If Navigo is unable to provide alternative vessel within 24 hours, Service User has a right to cancel the use of the vessel and have the paid service reimbursed. In case the Service User should choose to wait for the replacement vessel beyond the deadline agreed for the vessel handover (24 hours), he shall be entitled to claim an amount in the equivalent of the accommodation service value for the number of days he has not had the vessel at his disposal. Navigo shall not be held liable for the amount exceeding the arranged accommodation service price, as well as for any other Service User's claim to indemnity. When taking over the vessel, the Service User is obliged to examine and carefully check the general condition of the vessel and its equipment according to the inventory list and immediately identify the deficiencies; otherwise it will be considered that there is no objection to it. Possible hidden deficiencies of the vessel and/or its equipment, which could not have been known to Navigo at the time of the handover of the vessel, as well as the deficiencies possibly arising after the handover, shall not entitle the Service User to claim any reduction of the accommodation price. If the vessel equipment and inventory do not match the inventory list provided to the Service User, he shall not be entitled to claim any reduction of the accommodation price – provided that the safety of navigation is unaffected. Service User is not entitled to refuse check-in, suspend navigation and seek financial reimbursement in case of any defects, instrument deviations and similar equipment and inventory problems, provided that proper navigation is possible through classical methods, and the safety of vessel and crew guarantees a good sail. Every complaint based on comparison of the vessel and its inventory with other charter company's vessels or other countries' standards is unfounded. If Navigo finds that the Service User/vessel manager does not have navigation skills required for operating a vessel, Navigo reserves the right to prohibit the sail out of a vessel. In that case Navigo will appoint an official skipper to join the crew and charge this service according to current price list. If the client refuses the appointed skipper, Navigo has the right to forbid the sailing out of the vessel, to terminate the contract, and to keep the full amount paid for the accommodation service. The client has no right to reimbursement claims. The vessel is to be handed over to the Service User with all the valid documents (license, application form, concession...) as well as other files from the vessel's folder (list of harbor master's offices, gas stations, etc.). The Service User is bound to take particular care of all the entrusted documents and return them to Navigo during check-out procedure. If Navigo is fined by an authorized inspection or other authorities of the Republic of Croatia for not having complete necessary documentation aboard a vessel, Navigo holds the client responsible by recourse, and the fine is to be paid from the client's deposit.


The Service User is obliged to return the vessel at the appointed time, no later than 9 AM on the last day of provision of accommodation services, into the destination port defined by the contract. The vessel is to be neat and clean, with a full fuel tank, ready for setting sail, i.e. in the same condition it was in before boarding. The client is obliged to take garbage off the vessel and leave it at the designated garbage zone in the marina. If, for whatever reason, further sailing isn't possible or exceeding the agreed return time is inevitable, the client must contact the base manager for further instructions. If the Service User exceeds the agreed return time due to bad weather conditions, the Service User shall bear all relevant costs and expenses incurred by Navigo. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully plan the route, and it is required to return the vessel to marina in the evening hours of the day before the vessel handover. If the agreed return time should be exceeded, the Service User is obliged to pay double rate of daily accommodation for every day of delayed return, with a possible obligation to further compensate for losses and expenses arising for Navigo. The Service User bears all costs arising from exceeding the check-out time. Exceptions to this rule are possible, but require express consent of the Navigo and the Service User.If the vessel should be returned into a port not agreed upon as the destination harbor, the Service User is obliged to pay all the costs related to the transfer of the vessel to the arranged destination harbor, stipulated penalty for delay, if any, as well as compensation for any damage not covered by insurance policy which occurred during the transfer. If, for whatever reason, Service User leaves the vessel before carrying out the check-out procedure with a Navigo employee, he assumes responsibility for all noted complaints and damages incurred during the use of services, as identified by Navigo. At the time of disembarkment, a check of the general condition of the vessel and the equipment shall be performed, and a Navigo representative will compare the found inventory and the equipment to the inventory list. Service User is obliged to report all possible defects and damage to the Navigo representative. If the damage has incurred on the underwater part of the vessel, or such damage is suspected, a detailed examination of the vessel must be performed with a help from a scuba diver or a crane. The method of examination shall be decided upon by Navigo, and the Service User will be charged for the cost of the procedure.


When taking over the vessel, the Service User is obliged to leave a deposit according to the current price list, which is given back to the Service User if the vessel is returned undamaged and at the appointed time, provided there are no third-party claims aimed toward the Service User, and there are no fines imposed on Navigo in relation to the use of the chartered vessel.If the accommodation service includes a skipper, caution money deposit is also obligatory. Service User will be charged for all costs arising from gross negligence and/or loss of one or several parts of the vessel. Navigo shall retain the deposit amount corresponding to the value of the repair, acquisition and/or procurement of the equipment or an individual part of the vessel. If further provision of accommodation services aboard a vessel has been made impossible due to the damage/loss of the vessel/equipment, Navigo shall retain the deposit amount corresponding to the profit lost during vessel repair.


The vessel is covered by a third-party liability insurance and against the liability of the third person (compulsory insurance) and, also, comprehensive (Casco) insurance up to the registered value of the vessel (according to the insurance policy). The Casco insurance covers any damage exceeding the deposit amount, but not the damage caused intentionally or due to gross negligence (according to terms of the insurance company).Navigo is not held liable for any loss and/or damage to the property of the Service User, other passengers and crew members, or to other persons’ property disposed and stored on the vessel or on Navigo's premises. Having paid the required advance payment and having accepted the General Conditions, Service User waives any indemnity claims from Navigo related to the loss and/or damage to his personal property and/or property of others. The personal possessions of the crew are not insured, so it is recommended for the Service User to take out a separate insurance policy for this purpose. The crew is insured. Accidents aboard vessel and loss or damage to personal belongings or luggage are not covered by the insurance. In case of a large scale damage during provision of accommodation services, for which the Service User doesn't have to bear the costs (normal wear and tear and/or the amount of the deposit is exceeded), he will need to get a permission (instructions) for repair from Navigo or the base manager. In case of a large scale vessel accident, as well as in case of involvement of other vessels, it is necessary to report the case to the closest harbor master’s office and run a protocol (the course of events, determination of damages) for the insurance company, as well as to inform Navigo about the accident. If the Service User doesn't carry out all these obligations, he may be charged for all damages incurred. The sails are not insured so the Service User bears all costs of sails damage in full amount. Engine damage resulting from the lack of oil in the engine is also not covered by insurance. Service User is obliged to check the engine oil. The user can't hold Navigo legally liable for any consequences arising from user's fault or negligence which could create Navigo's liability to third parties. Also, in that case Navigo shall not bear any legal costs, whether at home or abroad.


Service User is obliged to and states that he/she will:

  • Provide Navigo with a crew list containing full names, birth dates and birth places, nationality, type and number of a valid identification document, and the skipper's boat leader license number, not later than 1 week before the beginning of accommodation service.
  • Have a valid passport. The cost of any document loss and theft during the voyage shall be borne by the Service User.
  • Study the printed material available on the vessel.
  • Conscientiously and carefully handle the vessel, the inventory and the equipment and keep a logbook, and in particular that he will not steer the vessel under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, behaving responsibly in every respect.
  • Sail within the borders of the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia. Leaving the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia is possible exclusively with the previous written consent of Navigo.
  • Sail only in safe weather conditions and good visibility, avoiding clearly dangerous areas, and not sail by night.
  • Adjust the sail to atmospheric circumstances and crew abilities, and not allow unnecessary burdening of masts, sails and ropes.
  • Not leave the port or anchorage in case the vessel or one of its parts vital for the safe sail is out of order.
  • Not leave the port if port authorities have prohibited sailing, i.e. issued a ban on departures from the port, or in case of insufficient fuel supplies.
  • Not use the vessel for commercial purposes (transport of goods or people for compensation), professional fishing, sailing school or similar activities.
  • Not sublease the vessel or lend the boat to a third party.
  • Not board more people than the vessel is registered for, and not allow people not stated on the crew list to stay aboard.
  • Not participate in regattas or vessel races without previous consent from Navigo.
  • Not to tow another boat and to take all possible precautions to avoid a situation which would require towing of the vessel.
  • Agree that the contract for provision of accommodation services is to be terminated in case it is determined that any of the crew members has broken a valid regulation and/or law of the Republic of Croatia, and that in such case the vessel is to be at Navigo's disposal, with Service User having no right to compensation. On a separate note, it is determined that free from any liability to state authorities; Service User is solely liable to state authorities for violations and/or crimes committed.
  • Assume responsibility and compensate all costs to Navigo, for which it is established that they were caused by actions or omissions on the part of the Service User, and for which Navigo is materially and criminally liable to a third party.
  • Service User's liability for violations of sailing and other regulations, which were committed during the accommodation service, does not cease with the end of the accommodation service (until the case is closed).
  • In case of a large scale damage of the vessel, accident or brakeage, record the course of events, immediately notify Navigo, file a maritime disaster report to the closest harbor master’s office, and demand a verification for that event from the harbour master, a doctor or other competent authority.
  • Notify Navigo immediately in case of any defect of the vessel or its equipment incurred by normal wear and tear. Navigo is obliged to repair the defect within 24 hours from the receipt of the notification. In case Navigo repairs the defect within that deadline, the Service User has no right to compensation. Emergency telephone numbers for defect notification can be found in the vessel documentation.
  • If the damages that the vessel needs to be repaired for in a harbor are caused by the Service User, he has no right to a monetary or any other compensation for the period of accommodation services wasted due to repair. In case the damages were not caused by the Service User, he is entitled to a proportional compensation (the pro-rata basis). No other type of compensation is possible.
  • If there is reasonable doubt that the underwater part of the vessel has been damaged, the vessel needs to be taken to the closest port to perform an underwater examination, and take the vessel out of the water if necessary. All costs are borne by the Service User.
  • Fully compensate Navigo for any damage caused by Service User's negligence or omission which is not covered by the insurance, and for which Navigo is responsible to a third party.
  • In case of disappearance of the vessel and its equipment, inability of sailing, confiscation or impounding of the vessel, or sailing prohibition by the state authorities or a third party, Service User must immediately notify competent authorities and Navigo, and demand a copy of the police report.
  • Assume full and sole responsibility in case of impounding of the vessel by competent authorities, due to improper or illegal actions (commercial fishing, removal of antiquities from the seabed...) undertaken during the use of the vessel.
  • Be fully responsible for sea contamination during the filling of fuel tanks or dropping garbage and waste outside designated places.
  • Check the oil level in the engine every day. Service User is liable for damages and losses caused by an insufficient amount of oil in the engine.
  • Take pets (dogs, cats, birds...) aboard a vessel only with a previous permission from Navigo. No pets are allowed on board, unless previously agreed with Navigo. If a pet is allowed on board, Service User bears the additional cost of cleaning according to the current price list.

Service User assumes sole substantive and criminal liability for any breach of the obligations undertaken hereunder.


Every Service User has the right to a complaint, if he considers Navigo's services to be incomplete and/or of low quality. Service User may demand a proportional reimbursement, but only if a written complaint is lodged upon check-out with all necessary documentation enclosed. A written complaint must be submitted no later than check-out and signed by both parties - by the Service User and by an Navigo representative; otherwise, Service User will no longer have the right to a complaint regarding the service. Any complaints received subsequently and with incomplete documentation shall not be taken into consideration by Navigo. Navigo is obliged to provide a written reply to the received complaint within 14 days after the receipt. Navigo has the right to postpone the reply for additional 14 days if gathering information and checking the complaint claims with the people directly or indirectly involved is needed. The maximum amount of compensation per complaint can amount to the objected part of the service and cannot include services which were already used, or the total accommodation service price. Service User's right to non-material damage compensation is hereby excluded, provided that it was not caused with Navigo's intent. If Service User has made a last minute contract (last minute arrangement), Service User acknowledges all risks arising from such type of service. This type of service holds some uncertainties that cannot be influenced by Navigo, and the Service User has accepted this service primarily because of its favorable price. Therefore, he has no right to complain to Navigo. Navigo cannot be held responsible for eventual bad weather conditions, sea water quality and temperature, marina cleanliness, crowded destination ports, and all similar situations and events that could lead to Service User's dissatisfaction, and are not directly related to the quality of the booked service.


In case the Service User is not satisfied with Navigo's decision, and is not able to come to a peaceful and consensual agreement with Navigo, he has the right to take legal action. All eventual disputes that are not peacefully resolved will fall under the jurisdiction of the appropriate court in Zadar. These Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia. Amendments (modifications and additions) to these General Conditions are valid only in written form and upon mutual agreement of both parties.


Service User shares his personal data by his own free will. Service User's personal data is necessary for the process of realization of the service required. The data will be used for further communication between the parties. Navigo is obliged not to distribute Service User's personal data outside of national borders, or forward it to a third party, except for the purpose of providing the requested service. The exception to distributing personal data to third persons is taking out cancellation insurance, accident and illness insurance, baggage damage or loss insurance and voluntary health insurance for the duration of the trip and staying abroad. If Service User takes out an insurance policy, personal data will be forwarded to the appropriate insurance company. User's personal data will be stored in a data base, according to management's decision on the method of collecting, processing and storing of personal data. By accepting these General Conditions, Service User agrees that his personal data may be used for Navigo's promotional activities. In any moment Service User can take back his consent for giving personal data for promotional activities. However, his data is obligatory for E-crew, invoices and tourist tax. Service User can ask to review his personal data in any moment.

1. Sia necessario e quando prendere in affitto lo skipper professionale?
È indispensabile prendere in affitto lo Skipper se siete a bordo della barca per la prima volta, vale a dire se non possedete il permesso obbligatorio (la patente ed il permesso VHF).

2. Sono assicurati la barca ed il equipaggio?
Ogni barca ed equipaggio sono assicurati dai danni possibili.

3. Che cosa prendere con sé stesso a bordo della barca?
A bordo della barca avete bisogno di portare l'abbigliamento personale, i vostri prodotti igienici, gli asciugamani (potete anche affitarli) e i medicamenti. Sarebbe buono portare anche l'abbigliamento più caldo e la giacca impermeabile nel caso del brutto tempo, ed anche avere in mente le scarpe adeguate. Le spese alimentari potete fare in tanti supermercati in vicinanza oppure in marina “Dalmazia”. Noi siamo a disposizione per fare la vostra provvista (basta inviare la lista e tutto vi aspetera sulla barca – il pagameno lo fatte prima dell’imbarco).

4. Dove posso depositare la macchina durante la mia navigazione?
In marina “Dalmazia” c’e’ il parcheggio grande e’ custodito. il prezzo e’ circa 40€ / settimana.

5. È meglio fare il pernottamento in marina o stare in qualche baia?
In ogni caso va meglio scegliere la marina o qualche piccolo porto in cui avrete la corrrente, l'acqua e altri benefici della civiltà, e anche dormirete spensierati nel caso del brutto tempo. Inoltre esiste tutta la gamma di golfi sicuri e protetti in cui ci sono delle boe. Il pernottamento più insicuro è sull'àncora che non possiamo raccomandarvi in nessun caso.

6. Quali valute si usano di solito per il pagamento di marine e altre spese?
La valuta del pagamento in Croazia si effettua in cune croate, e ciò è il mezzo fondamentale del pagamento. Nelle marine esistono i cambivalute, cosicché non dovreste avere dei problemi se si ci manca la cuna. Nei ristoranti e negozi può pagarsi anche con le carte di credito.
7. Dove dorme lo skipper e ho l'obbligo io di pagargli il cibo?
Lo Skipper può dormire nel salotto, se là gli è prevlasto il posto da dormire. Le barche piu’ grandi hanno anche le cabine prevlaste solo per gli skipper. In ogni caso, vi raccomandiamo di noleggiare la barca con la cabina per lo skipper siccome tutti si sentano comodi e piacevoli, ed anche e siccome il salotto possa essere usato per il posto di fare la compagnia, e non per dormire. Riguardo al cibo dello skipper o della hostess, avete l'obbligo di assicurarli il cibo.

8. Possiamo cambiare l’equipaggio durante la navigazione?
È possibile cambiare l’equipaggio durante la navigazione, ma solo in caso se lo comunicate in avanti a Navigo. Prima dell'uscita da porto è necessario consegnare a Navigo l'elenco dell’equipaggio con i dati di nazionalità, date di nascita e numeri di passaporto oppure di carte d'identità, affinché si preparino liste d’equipaggio che devono essere presentate alla capitaneria di porto. È necessario dunque informarci d'ogni cambiamento in tempo.

9. Quando devo restituire la barca nella base?
La barca si ritorna venerdì tra le ore 17 e 18 p.m. Questo è indispensabile affiché possa farsi il controllo della barca. L'ospite rimane a dormire sulla barca, e di mattina al più tardi alle ore 9 deve essere pronto a lasciare la barca benché si possa preparare per l'ospite seguente.

10. Posso prendere la barca anche prima del tempo determinato per la presa?
Il tempo usuale per la presa della barca è sabato alle ore 17. Se avete dei progetti di arrivare prima, può avisarci il tempo approssimativo d'arrivo, e noi possiamo eventualmente prepararla prima, ma questo dipende da tante circostanzi. Se fate dei progetti del viaggio, della navigazione venerdì, allora è necessario di prenotare il pernottamento, siccome a bordo ci sono ospiti che l'hanno prenotata una settimana fa.
Rent a rib
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ESIF Financijski instrumenti

Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija".

Safe stay in Croatia
Yacht pool
Yacht pool
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